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Bus Information
HCLM owns and operates several bus routes. It is a privilege to travel to school by bus and provided behaviour remains acceptable, students are able to use the buses to travel.
Below are the names of the Bus routes and suburbs that they cover.
Cooranbong Bus Route - Dora Creek - Cooranbong - Morisset.
Gosford Bus Route - Gosford - Kariong - Ourimbah - Jilliby.
Newcastle Bus Route - Charlestown - Warners Bay - Glendale - Boolaroo - Toronto.
Morisset Peninsula Bus Route - Bonnells Bay - Balcolyn - Sunshine - Brightwaters.
Lakes Bus Route - Toronto, Rathmines, Balmoral, Wangi, Eraring.
Bonnells Bay Bus route - Bonnells Bay.
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